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The research project of “Collection of Desert Plants and Optimization of Ecological Landscapes” passed the metaphase assessment


  On July 7, 2009, Bureau of Life Science and Biological Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, organized some experts to make a metaphase assessment about the research project of “Collection of Desert Plants and Optimization of Ecological Landscapes” (KSCX2-YW-Z-0703) undertaken by Turpan Eremophytes Garden and applied from the Special Program for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Strategic Biological Resources of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The experts of Expert Group and the leaders of the bureau and our institute investigated and assessed in the project filed in Turpan Eremophytes Garden. After reading the materials and hearing the report and reply, all the experts of Expert Group considered that the general performance situation of the research project was fine, the prospective progress and results were achieved, the goals of metaphase assessment in the main economic and technological indexes were achieved, some examining indexes were derived ahead of the schedule or overfulfiled, the funds of the research project were completely raised, the infrastructure support conditions were fine, and the phased achievements were significant.

  The research project was started from September 2007 under the support of the Special Program for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Strategic Biological Resources and the Special Supporting Funds of Third Innovation Stage of Chinese Academy of Sciences, an outlay of 5.67×106 yuan was successively obtained from Chinese Academy of Sciences, that of 1.97×106 yuan was obtained from the state and local government, and that of 4.0×106 yuan was raised by enterprises for the infrastructure construction.

  After doing the work for about 2 years, some eremophytes in Central Asia and temperate zone were collected, and 326 eremophyte species were newly increased. Thus, the eremophytes in the Turpan Eremophytes Garden were increased from 240 species to 566 ones, and the phased collection and nursing of the species entrusted in the contract were overfulfiled.

  In the garden of Calligonum plants, a natural distribution way is taken to plant 2 populations of Calligonum leucocladum and 1 population of Calligonum ebinuricum; a nursery garden has been newly built and 492 plants of 14 Calligonum species in 108 populations have been planted for conserving the idioplasmatic resources; the landscape plots of Haloxylon ammodendron have been built, and 2122 plants of 10 species including Haloxylon ammodendron, Holoxylon persicum and some auxiliary species have been planted; site movement and new construction of the Desert Ethical Medicinal Plant Garden has been basically completed, the habitats for planting the medicinal hydrophytes, mesophytes, xerophytes and annual and biennial herbages have been built, and more than 60 medicinal plants have been planted; in the newly-built nursery garden of idioplasmatic resources of desert special plants, 2480 plants of 71 species have been planted, and the construction of special gardens and the landscape optimization entrusted in the contract were overfulfiled.

  The experts also investigated the newly-built establishment conditions for scientific research and popularization in the Turpan Eremophytes Garden, they considered that the construction of basic platform for scientific research and the technical supporting capability of the Turpan Eremophytes Garden were obviously promoted and the landscapes in the garden was greatly improved after undertaking the research project. They suggested to further enhance the optimization of landscapes and promote the scientific popularization capability of the garden, and hoped to stabilize and bring up the qualified personnel teams for introducing and nursing the eremophytes and managing the Turpan Eremophytes Garden.