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International Center for Arid Land Ecology was Established by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS and University of California, Riverside, USA


   Invited by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Professor Charles Lois, the vice chancellor of University of California, Riverside, USA, with his colleagues, visited the Institute and went to National Fukang Ecosystem Observation Station of the Institute to have a survey and communication with the researchers.

In order to strengthen the cooperation with developed countries, such as USA, to improve the innovative ability of the Institute, to fulfill the objectives of innovation and to promote the researches of inland river basins in arid land and global climate change, the Institute and University of California, Riverside, by many times of discussion, determined to establish the International Center of Arid Land Ecology. Recently, the vice chancellor and the Institute signed a memorandum of comprehensive cooperation, and held an opening ceremony of the Center.

The main purpose of the Center is to strengthen and promote the joint research and academic communication in the fields of arid land ecology and environmental sciences, to carry out the joint research of inland river basins and global climate change, to construct innovative groups of arid land ecology.

In order to develop and implement scientific-technologic cooperation and research effectively, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed, the Director-General of the Institute, Professor Chen Xi as the director of the Center, and Professor Larry Li of University of California, Riverside, USA, and Professor Li Yan, the director of National Fukang Ecosystem Observation Station of the Institute, as the executive directors of both parties, respectively.