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Sino-German Joint Research Center for the Management of Ecosystem and Environmental Changes in Arid Lands Established in XIEG


The “Sino-German Joint Research Center for the Management of Ecosystem and Environmental Changes in Arid Lands” was established in Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XIEG) on January 16, 2013,

The establishment of the center aims at establishing a long-time cooperation relationship between China and Germany on the researches of water and ecosystem in arid lands. The main tasks of the center are to jointly conduct scientific researches on water and ecosystem, scheme projects, hold international symposium, and sponsor visiting researchers.   

Professor CHEN Xi, director of XIEG, said, “By the joint cooperation of Sino-Germany, I hope that the center can become a famous center in the fields of ecosystem and environment in arid lands after three to five years and can also attracts more other international research institutes.”

Mr. DISSE Markus, Professor from the University of Bundeswehr Munich, pointed out that the key problem of ecosystem management in arid lands is the management of water and land resources, so the purpose of this center is consistent with the goals of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. He said, “I hope that the scientists from the two countries can obtain plentiful and significant achievements on the researches of water and land management”.

XIEG and the University of Bundeswehr Munich have established a long-time and closed cooperation relationship on the researches of water and land management, especially in the fields of ecosystem, climate change and socio-economic development.