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XIEG Signs MOU with ZAMIN Foundation to Strengthen Cooperation


On May 31, 2024, Mr. ZHANG Yuanming, Director of the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) of the Chinese Academy of Sceinces, and Ms. Tamila Alieva, Head of the Executive Organ of the Zamin International Public Foundation (ZAMIN Foundation), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Tashkent. In the future, the two sides will cooperate in the fields of environmental protection, sustainable land management, biodiversity conservation and urban greening through knowledge sharing, capacity building and joint research, contributing to regional green and sustainable development.

ZAMIN Foundation, headed by Ziroatkhon Mirziyoyeva, First Lady of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is a non-governmental, non-profit organization in Uzbekistan, contributing to the sustainable development of the country and promote higher living standards for the population. The signing of the MOU marks a new stage of cooperation between China and Uzbekistan.

Signing MOU (Image by XIEG)


LONG Huaping

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography

E-mail: longhp@ms.xjb.ac.cn

Web: http://english.egi.cas.cn