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XIEG Holds 20th Salon for Scientific Exchange


The Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences held the 20th “Salon for Scientific Exchange” (SSE) on May 31. The event attracted nearly 20 Chinese and foreign experts and students.

Dr. Anna Sokolova gave a presentation titled “Vinaya Tradition in China: A Historical Perspective”. She shared the lineages of Vinaya school, monastic-secular networks, and trajectory of dissemination from the north to the South. “The formation and rise of a Buddhist tradition was rooted in the geopolitical dynamics of the time,” she said.

After the presentation, participants exchanged views on the difference of Buddhist monastic codes between China and other countries in Asia, the role of the monk Kumarajiva in the transmission of Buddhist texts to China, and meditation in Buddhist monastic practices, among other issues.

Dr. Anna Sokolova is a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies in Belgium. Her work focuses on Buddhist communities and the historical development of Buddhism in China and across the Silk Road. She has conducted fieldwork on local Buddhist practices in China, Japan and Thailand. She has published one book and a number of journal articles.

Dr. Anna Sokolova delivers her presentation (Image by LONG Huaping) 

Group photo (Image by LONG Huaping)


LONG Huaping

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography

E-mail: longhp@ms.xjb.ac.cn

Web: http://english.egi.cas.cn