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Representatives from Karakalpak State University Visit XIEG


From June 19 to 20, representatives from Karakalpak State University visited the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, to explore potential collaborations on combating desertification in Nukus, one of the northwestern cities of Uzbekistan.

During the visit,  the Karakalpak representatives communicated face to face with researchers at XIEG.

Turdymambetov Izymbet, Vice Rector of Karakalpak State University, highlighted the environmental challenges faced by Nukus, including desertification, glacier erosion, and soil salinization. “Despite having taken measures to mitigate sand movement with mechanical barriers, these efforts have proven to be insufficient,” he said.

"We hope to learn from XIEG's successful experience in the Taklimakan Desert and develop a pilot project on desertification control in Karakalpakstan,” he added, “it is necessary to start with basic data collection, including sand velocity, suitable plant species, and water conditions, to design effective interventions.”

Professor XU Xinwen, on behalf of the Desert Research Team at XIEG, expressed the willingness to share knowledge and launch cooperative projects with Karakalpak State University. QIAO Jianfang, Head of International Cooperation Division of XIEG, encouraged students from Karakalpak State University to pursue postgraduate degrees at XIEG and discussed plans to dispatch XIEG’s researchers to assess the current environment in Nukus.

Both sides hope to establish a long-term partnership on controlling environmental degradation and promoting sustainable development.

The Karakalpak representatives also visited the Xinjiang Natural Museum and key laboratories at XIEG.

Karakalpak State University, located in Nukus, was established in 1975 and is the main higher education institution of the Karakalpakstan. The university excels in geography, ecology, history, cultural studies, basic medicine, and public health and is notable for its research in environmental protection and sustainable development technologies.


LONG Huaping

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography

E-mail: longhp@ms.xjb.ac.cn

Web: http://english.egi.cas.cn