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Delegation from Countries in the Horn of Africa Visits XIEG


On June 26, a delegation of 16 representatives from countries in the Horn of Africa, visited the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and exchanged views on desertification prevention and control.

ZHANG Xiangjun, Deputy Director of XIEG, extended a warm welcome to the delegation, provided an overview of XIEG’s development and cooperation, and expressed his hope for deep collaboration with the Horn of Africa.

"XIEG has conducted extensive research and cooperation on desertification control with African countries, producing valuable results that can be applied and promoted in the Horn of Africa,” said XUE Bing, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Professor LEI Jiaqiang gave a presentation titled “Reliable Basis and Possible Prospects for China-Africa Cooperation on Building Great Green Wall”. He introduced China’s technologies and their successful application for desertification control, and proposed priority areas for cooperation, including the construction of demonstration zones, technical training, and postgraduate education.

Gebeyehu Ganga, Director General of the Middle East, Asia and Pacific Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, on behalf of the delegation, extended congratulations and gratitude for the achievements made through China-Africa cooperation. “China’s experience can teach us how to deal with desertification challenges, and we look forward to receiving technical support in future cooperation,” he said.

The Horn of Africa, located in northeastern Africa, face the ongoing threats and challenges of desertification, and the geographical environment of which is similar to the northwestern China.

Group Photo (Image by XIEG)


LONG Huaping

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography

E-mail: longhp@ms.xjb.ac.cn

Web: http://english.egi.cas.cn