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Two Kinds of Software Invented by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Were Granted the Software Copyright Registration Certificate


Recently, two kinds of software, Terrestrial Ecosystem Health Assessment Software 1.0 (Certificate No. 2010SR070300) and Drought Stress Evaluation of Populus euphratica Oliv. Based on the Change of Malondialdehyde Software 1.0 (Certificate No. 2010SR066418) were granted the Software Copyright Registration Certificate by the Chinese National Copyright Administration.

The researchers and the decision-makers of government department who engage in ecosystem degradation and restoration can use the Terrestrial Ecosystem Health Assessment Software 1.0 to know the health conditions of all terrestrial ecosystems, to speed up the research output, and to establish the management measures, and finally, to achieve sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems in the river catchments.

Drought Stress Evaluation of Populus euphratica Oliv. Based on the Change of Malondialdehyde Software 1.0 can help researchers and decision-makers to know the drought stress degree of Populus in different regions and to obtain early warning so that the management measures are determined to mitigate the drought of Populus.