- Structure and Dynamic of Populus euphratica Population along Tarim River
- Relationship of Spatial Heterogeneity for Vegetation and Aeolian Sand Soil Properties on Longitudinal Dunes in Gurbantunggut Desert
- Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Concentrations in Different Ecosystems in Arid Region
- Subcellular Manganese Compartation, Anatomic and Biochemical Changes of Two Grape Varieties in Response to Excess Manganese
- Rhombomys Opimus Contribution to the "Fertile Island" Effect of Tamarisk Mounds in Junggar Basin
- Carbon Storage and Vertical Distribution in Three Shrubland Communities in Gurbantünggüt Desert
- Moderate Grazing Can Promote Aboveground Primary Production of Grassland under Water Stress
- Suppression of Fusarium oxysporum and Induced Resistance of Plants Involved in the Biocontrol of Cucumber Fusarium Wilt by Streptomyces b...
- Influences of Climate Change and Human Activities on Tarim River Runoffs in China over the Past Half Century
- Sap Flow Characteristics of Four Typical Species in Desert Shelter Forest and Their Responses to Environmental Factors
- Quantifying the Effects of Climate Variability and Human Activities on Runoff for Kaidu River Basin in Arid Region
- Temperature and Precipitation Changes in Different Environments in the Arid Region of Northwest China
- Why does the Temperature Rise Faster in the Arid Region of Northwest China?
- Contrasting Performance and Different Tolerance of Chestnut Rose and Grape to Excess Manganese
- Identifying the Sustainable Groundwater Yield in a Chinese Semi-humid Basin