- Geochemistry and U–Pb Detrital Zircon Dating of Paleozoic Graywackes in East Junggar
- Winter Daytime Activity Budgets of Asiatic Ibex Capra sibirica in Tomur National Nature Reserve of Xinjiang
- An Automated Scheme for Glacial Lake Dynamics Mapping Using Landsat Imagery and Digital Elevation Models
- Winter Habitat Use of Snow Leopards in Tomur National Nature Reserve of Xinjiang
- Restoration of Shrub Communities Elevates Organic Carbon in Arid Soils of Northwest China
- Molecular Phylogeny of Tribe Atraphaxideae (Polygonaceae) Evidenced from Five cpDNA Genes
- Simulation of Decadal Alpine Permafrost Distributions in the Qilian Mountains
- No Significant Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Spring Thaw under Grazing and Nitrogen Addition in An Alpine Grassland
- Seasonal Diet of Khulan (Equidae) in Northern Xinjiang
- Fine Root Dynamics and Longevity of Artemisia halodendron Reflect Plant Growth Strategy in Two Contrasting Habitats
- Dynamics of Ecosystem Service Value Caused by Land Use Changes in Manas River of Xinjiang
- Membrane Stability of the Desert Moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. during Desiccation and Rehydration
- Leaf Nitrogen Allocation and Partitioning in Three Groundwater-Dependent Herbaceous Species in a Hyper-Arid Desert Region
- Multi-model Ensemble Projections in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes of the Tibetan Plateau in the 21st Century
- Measurement of Nitrate Efflux from Roots and Its Relation to Nitrate Accumulation in Two Oilseed Rape Cultivars