- Study: Interspecific Interaction of Desert Plants Modify Underground Microbial Communities and Weaken Host Effects in a Hyper-arid Desert
- Researchers Found the Stoichiometry Characteristics of Alpine Grassland at North Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Scientists Made Progress on Dynamic Changes and Driving Factors of Runoff in Amu Darya River Basin, Central Asia
- Study Reveals the Driving Mechanism of Vegetation Dynamic Change in High Mountain Asia
- Research Revealed Establishment of the Xinjiang Wild Apple Regeneration and CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing System
- Study Reveals the Climatic Driver for Increasing Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Picea schrenkiana in the Tianshan Mountains, China
- Scientists Found the Significant Terrestrial Water Depletion across Central Asia
- Research Revealed Vegetation Changes and Causes in the Tianshan Mountain
- Study Reveals How Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Affects Soil Profile N2O Concentration and Surface Flux
- Research revealed groundwater depths affect nutrient resorption of desert phreatophyte
- Modeling Reveals What Drives Snow Mass Variation in Tianshan Mountains
- Research revealed snow mass variation and its influencing factors in the Tianshan Mountains
- Study Reveals Dynamics of Surface Water Bodies with 30-m Spatial Resolution in Central Asia
- Study: Drip Irrigation Should Be Recommended as Essential N2O Mitigation Strategy for Irrigated Crop Production
- Study Reveals How Root Nodule-associated Bacteria Exist along an Elevation Gradient in the Kunlun Mountains