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Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Development in Karakoram-Parmir Landscape Held in Urumqi


During the period of 19-22 May, the Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Development in Karakoram-Parmir Landscape organized by International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XIEG), was held in Urumqi. The symposium attracted more than 50 researchers and officers from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ICIMOD, Forestry Administration of Pakistan, State Forestry Administration of China, Forestry Administration of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, Nature Reserve Region of Taxkorgan county, and Forestry Administration of Kashi prefecture, Xinjiang.

The symposium aims to promote the biodiversity conservation and sustainable development of Parmir region and propose action plans. In the symposium, researchers and officers discussed on the topics of economic and social development, biological resources and biodiversity conservation, eco-environment status, regional development programming, and sustainable development of Parmir region.

XIEG has endeavored to protect the cross-border biodiversity of China-Pakistan since 2003. In the symposium, Professor CHEN Xi, director of XIEG, said, “Based on the political mutual trust, similar culture and beliefs, and convenient traffic conditions, I hope the cooperation of cross-border biodiversity between China and Pakistan will obtain significant achievements.