- New Achievements Made in Monitoring of Leaf Area Index(LAI) of Pergola-trained Vineyards in Turpan
- Study Reveals the Growth Rate of Natural Vegetation Determines the Greening in the Northern Hemisphere
- Study: Heatwaves in Central Asia Are Gradually Intensifying
- Researchers Study Breeding Biology of the Xinjiang Ground-jay, an Endemic Bird Species in China
- CMFD Data Stands Out in Repeat of High Asian Snowfalls
- CAS-XIEG Breakthrough: Mining Ecosystem Carbon-water Flux Information with Quasi-observational Properties at Meteorological Stations
- Researchers Find Populus euphratica Counteracts Drought Stress Through the Coupling Process of Foliar Water Uptake and Hydraulic Redistri...
- Researchers Find Actual Evapotranspiration Dominates Drought in Central Asia
- Researchers Find New Species of Artemisia in Xinjiang
- Study Reveals the Spatiotemporal Change of Aeolian Disaster Risk in the Sahel, Africa
- Moss Patch Drive Moss Growth and the Nutrient Characteristics in a Temperate Desert of Central Asia
- Scientists Propose Suggestions to Address the Aral Sea Crisis
- Socioeconomic Drought in the Arid Area of Northwest China Shows a Slowing Trend: Study
- Study Reveals the Mechanism of Coupled Development of Water-Energy-Carbon Emissions System for Crop Production in the Tarim River Basin
- Study Reveals the Long-Term Snow Cover Change in High Mountain Asia