- Study Reveals Effects of Multiple Global Change Factors on Litter Decomposition Rate
- Researchers Propose Novel Method to Detect Individual Populus euphratica Tree in Sparse Desert Forests
- Increasing Aridity Impacts Carbon-storing Capacity, Biodiversity Loss, and Ecosystem Services
- Study Reveals Global Energy Use and Carbon Emissions from Irrigated Agriculture
- Researchers Reveal that Monoculture can Provide Higher Ecological Functions than Intercropping in a Desert Ecosystem
- Researchers Unveil Pivotal Role of Root System Architectures in Storing Carbon and Nutrients in Desert Ecosystems
- Researchers Propose Optimized Measures to Promote Sustainable Agricultural Development in Tarim River Basin
- Desert Moss Mortality Significantly Affects Soil Multifunctionality and Microbial Networks
- Global Major River Basins Are Experiencing Frequent and Prolonged Drought Events
- Study Reveals That Decreased Cloud Cover Dominated Rapid Spring Temperature Rise in Central Asia
- Heterogeneous Water Management Practices Alter Dryland's Salinization and Degradation Neutralization
- Scientists Release Genome Database for Desiccation-Tolerant Plants and Demonstrate Divergent Evolution of Desiccation Tolerance
- Border Fences Reduce Potential for Transboundary Migration of Marco Polo Sheep (Ovis ammon polii)
- Water Use Modes Significantly Affect Water Cycle and Agriculture Sustainability in Dryland Regions
- Researchers Propose that diterpene alkaloids extracted from Delphinium brunonianum Royle as a Novel Pesticide for Managing Citrus Pests