- Wheat/Fababean Intercropping Enhances Growth Performance and Yield
- Study Uncovers Paradox of Water-saving Technologies in Arid Regions
- Researchers Develop Multi-Source Remote Sensing Approach to Enhance Spodumene Identification
- Researchers Propose Deep Learning Model for Extracting Information Related to Mineral Exploration
- Study Reveals Seasonal Time-Lag Effects of Meteorological Factors on Extreme Precipitation in Central Asia's Tienshan Mountains
- Researchers Evaluate Climate Model Accuracy in Central Asia's Panj River Basin
- Study Reveals Key Role of Moss Crust Patch Size in Desert Soil Phosphorus Dynamics
- Critical Snowfall-to-Precipitation Ratios Identified in High Mountain Asia Amid Global Warming
- New Machine Learning Approach Simulates Geochemical Element Concentrations in Rocks and Stream Sediments
- Soil Moisture Emerges as Key Player in Northern Hemisphere Vegetation Growth
- Researchers Unravel Flood Dynamics in China's Kumalak River Catchment in Tianshan Region
- Chinese Researchers Achieve Highest-quality Moss Genome Assembly
- Researchers Uncover Molecular Mechanisms of Cold Tolerance in Desert Moss
- Study Reveals Impact of Salt Crust on Soil Temperature
- Researchers Find Promising Approach to Mitigate Cadmium Stress in Mung Bean Cultivars